Friday, January 16, 2009

D&D: Game 7

Character(s) I am playing today: Winward

Splug the Goblin says:
right is storage
left is Balgron the Fat (bad guy)
Rolled 26 for Perception

We check the store room with some rations
We check for secret passage, roll 24 +2 for Perception and find nothing.

We head off to the main room and check the double doors.
rolled a 30+2 for Per and find nothing
find no traps

We goto the single door.
roll 15+2 for Perception from the door.
We hear some goblins arguing.

D&D Game 01-16-09

Nyctrian, Boggins & Thava rush the door and find some stares going down.

roll 24 for Stealth
Rolled 24 for Perception

Br cast ritual for understanding the goblin language
they think there is treasure

Rolled 8 for Initiative

D&D Game 01-16-09

Round 1 - Surprised Round
Braum: attack far goblin for 17 dam
Boggins: move
Nyctrian: move
Winward: attack far goblin, 18/17 vs AC for 4/2 dam
Thava: moved

Round 2
Guard Drakes: move
Braum: attack far goblin for 8 dam, killing him
Boggins: misses a Guard Drake
Nyctrian: misses
MOB1: hit once vs Nyctrian
Winward: attack mid range goblin for 18/17 vs AC for 7/4 dam
Thava: misses

Round 3
Guard Drakes: #1 misses Thava, #2 misses Thava
Braum: misses #1, hits #2 for 5 dam
Boggins: hits #1 for 11 dam
Nyctrian: attack mid range goblin for 10 dam
MOB1: hit Nyctrian for 5 dam / hit Nyctrian for 12 dam
Winward: attack mid range goblin once for 9 dam
Thava: misses / Dragon Breath for 7 dam #1 /5 dam #2

Round 4
Guard Drakes: both misses Thava
Braum: hits both Drakes for 10 dam #1 / 6 dam for #2
Boggins: his for 9 dam on Drake #1 / Heal Nyctrian
Nyctrian: misses mid range goblin
MOB1: hits Nyctrian for 11 dam
Winward: hit mid range goblin for 8 dam, killing him
Thava: Drake #2 takes 4 dam and 9 dam #1, killing him

D&D Game 01-16-09

Round 5
Guard Drake: misses Thava
Braum: hits Drake for 11 dam
Boggins: Heals Nyctrian / misses Drake
Nyctrian: his Drake for 14 dam
MOB1: his Winward for 11 dam
Winward: hits only goblin twice for 11/6+3 (20 total damage)
Thava: misses Drake

Round 6
Guard Drake: misses Thava
Braum: hits Drake for 11 dam
Boggins: misses only goblin
Nyctrian: moves, fell for 10 dam and moved again
MOB1: misses Winward
Winward: hit the goblin once for 16 dam, killing it

All the enemies are dead.

22 gp
dirt covered holy symbol for Bahamut
+1 Symbol of Battle

625 xp total for 125 xp per char
1340 total character xp

find secret door below the stares
leads to a hallway, which leads to another secret door
listen at the secret door, does does not hear anything
we get it open

D&D Game 01-16-09

We see Fat Bastard asleep.
rolled 27 for Nature
  • Goblin, Com Adv, Crippling Strike, Goblin Tactics, Shifty
Nyctrian kills him and W will close the secret door

175 xp total for 35 xp per character
1375 total character xp

Total Party Funds:
423 gp
205 sp

Friday, January 9, 2009

D&D: Game 6

Character(s) I am playing today: Winward

We rest up to gain all our options back.

We head out to the keep.

It take about 2 hours to get to a spot where we can get a view of the old keep, which is now in runes. We contunie towards the keep. We spot some rubble.

Rolled a 20 on Stealth.
Rolled a 12 on Perception.

Winward and Nyctrian look around the area using Stealth. We see no traps or anyone hiding. We do spot in the center of all the rubble a cleared path, which lead up to a reveled staircase heading down into the hill. We can tell that the way down was of Dwarven work and that there is some torch light ahead lighting what is ahead.

Winward and Nyctrian head down. We spot the feet of what we can tell is a Goblin Warrior.
  • Goblin Warrior (Mobile Range Attack, Skirmish, Goblin Tactics).
Rolled a Initiative of 6.

Round 1
Goblin Warrior : Call out that there is a attack.
Goblin Sharpshooter #1: miss
Goblin Sharpshooter #2: hits, roll 19 vs AC on W for 8 dam
Braum: magic attack for 1 hit for 7 dam
Nyctrian: miss
Winward: 7/19 for 1 hit 11 dam to the Goblin Warrior (bloodied)
Bogging: miss
Thava: moved and fell into the trap for 4 dam. See Rat Swarm. Get 8 dam moving to get out.

Round 2
Goblin Warrior: hit Bo for 8 dam
Other Goblin: misss
Goblin Sharpshooter #1: miss Thava
Goblin Sharpshooter #2: hits B for 12 dam
Braum: miss
Nyctrian: miss
Winward: 13/23 for 1 hit for 3 dam
Bogging: healing surge and move
Thava: tried to jump the pit and fell in, 9 dam falling in, and did 12 dan when Thava attacked

Round 3
Goblin Warrior: hits Bogging for 3 dam
Other Goblin: miss Nyctrian
Goblin Sharpshooter #1: hit Nyctrian for 6 dam
Goblin Sharpshooter #2: hit Braum for 7 dam
Braum: magic attack for 1 hit for 10 dam
Nyctrian: hit Other Goblin for 10 dam
Winward: 22/22 for total of 22 dam on Other Goblin and killing it
Bogging: miss and heal Thava
Thava: missed, but did 4 dam

Round 4
Goblin Warrior: Bo got a attack of op / hits Bo for 4 dam
Goblin Sharpshooter #1: hits T
Goblin Sharpshooter #2: and also its for a total of 18 dam
Braum: magic attack, GS1 for 10 dam / Action Point used: misses
Nyctrian: miss GW
Winward: 8/19 for 1 hit for 4 dam /Action Point used: 13/21 for 1 hit for 7 dam, killing it
Bogging: healing, 18 vs AC for 2 dam GS1
Thava: Dragon Breath on Goblin Sharpshooter #2 for 7 dam, hit on GS2 for 8 dam

Round 5
Goblin Sharpshooter #1: misses T
Goblin Sharpshooter #2: hits T for 7 dam and ran away, Thava attack of op, misses attack
Braum: hits Goblin Sharpshooter #2 for 10 dam
Nyctrian: hits Goblin Sharpshooter #2 for 12 dam, killing it
Winward: 22/23 for 2 hits on Goblin Sharpshooter #1 for 19 dam, killing it

All the enemy are dead (in this area).

D&D Game 01-09-09 (4)
We search the area (see above picture for the map).

43 gp and 51 sp
675 total XP for 135 XP each character

Rolled a 26 on Stealth.
Rolled a 22 on Perception.

We hear 2-7 goblins voice behind the North door.

Rolled a Initiative of 19.

Round 1 (Surprised Round)
Thava: hits for 11 dam Goblin Warrior
Boggins: misses

D&D Game 01-09-09 (5)

Round 2
Winward: 16/17 for 2 hits for 10 total damage on #1 of Goblin Sharpshooter(1-3)
Nyctrian: miss 1 of Goblin Sharpshooter(1-3)
Thava: miss Goblin Warrior for 4 dam, Dragon Breath for 7 dam
Goblin Sharpshooter(1-3): miss Nyctrian, hit Thava for 10 and 12 dam
Boggins: hit Goblin Warrior for 8 dam
Braum: misses
Hobgoblin Torturer(shiny mini): pushes Thava into the Iron Madden
Goblin Warrior: closes the Iron Madden on Thava for 10 dam, misses Boggins

Round 3
Winward: his 22/10 for 1 hit for 4 dam on Goblin Warrior
Nyctrian: hits for 10 dam on #1 of Goblin Sharpshooter(1-3)
Thava: miss on Goblin Warrior for 4 dam, killing it
Goblin Sharpshooter(1-3): hit Nyctrian for 3 dam, hits Nyctrian for 9 dam, hits Boggins for 12 dam
Boggins: healing on Thava
Braum: magic attack for 19 dam
Hobgoblin Torturer: misses Thava

Round 4
Winward: 8/25 for 1 hit for 14 dam on #1 of Goblin Sharpshooter(1-3), killing it
Nyctrian: move and miss #2 of Goblin Sharpshooter(2-3)
Thava: miss Hobgoblin Torturer
Goblin Sharpshooter(2-3): both miss their attack
Boggins: hits for 1 dam on Hobgoblin Torturer
Braum: miss
Hobgoblin Torturer: hits Thava for 11 dam

Round 5
Winward: 1/16 for 1 hit for 7 dam on Hobgoblin Torturer
Nyctrian: miss
Thava: hit Hobgoblin Torturer for 12 dam
Goblin Sharpshooter(2-3): both hit N for 11 dam
Boggins: miss Hobgoblin Torturer
Braum: miss Goblin Sharpshooter
Hobgoblin Torturer: hits Thava for 11 dam

  • Hobgoblin Torturer (Med Size, Armor Power ability)

Round 6
Winward: 9/23 for 1 hit for 12 dam on Hobgoblin Torturer, bloodied
Nyctrian: hit #2 of Goblin Sharpshooter(2-3), killing it
Thava: miss Hobgoblin Torturer
Goblin Sharpshooter(#3): hits Nyctrian for 8 dam
Boggins: hits Hobgoblin Torturer for 7 dam
Braum: hits #3 of Goblin Sharpshooter for 12 dam
Hobgoblin Torturer: miss Boggins

Round 7
Winward: 25/10 for 1 hit for 14 dam on Hobgoblin Torturer, killing it
Nyctrian: hit #3 of Goblin Sharpshooter for 6 dam
Thava: miss #3 of Goblin Sharpshooter
Goblin Sharpshooter(#3): hits Nyctrian for 7 dam
Boggins: hits #3 of Goblin Sharpshooter for 10, killing it

All the enemy are dead (in this area).

50 sp and 55 gp
625 XP total for 125 XP each character
Bloodcut Hide Armor +1 (840 gp)
Power (Healing Surge)
Minor Action; While you are bloodied, use this armor to gain
resist 10 to all damage until the end of your next turn.
There is a goblin in one of the locked cells.
Basically he says that he was locked up against his will and if we release him he will work for us.
For what the others can tell, he is basically telling the truth.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Characters

Here are the PDFs of the Level 1 characters as it stands currently.

Elf_Ranger-Winward_E_Char_L1.pdf (Updated with Magic Weapon)
HalfElf_Cleric-Boggins_E_Char_L1.pdf (Updated with Magic Armor)

Here are the PDFs of the Level 2 characters as I came up with for the character.

Dragonborn_Fighter-Thava_E_Char_L2.pdf approved
(Updated Feat: Dragonborn Frenzy, Utility: Boundless Endurance)

Eladrin_Rogue-Nyctrian_A_Char_L2.pdf approved
(Updated Feat: Nimble Blade, Utility: Tumble)

Elf_Ranger-Winward_E_Char_L2.pdf approved
(Updated Feat: Precise Hunter, Utility: Yield Ground)

HalfElf_Cleric-Boggins_E_Char_L2.pdf not sure at this time
(Updated Feat: Group Insight, Utility: Shield of Faith)

Human_Wizard-Braum_E_Char_L2.pdf changed and approved
(Updated Feat: Raging Storm, Utility: Expeditious Retreat)