Character(s) I am playing today: Winward
We find a secret door. The room is 2 x 3.
We find a secret door. The room is 2 x 3.
Roll a 16 on Perception. I hear mones from the East.
Rolled a Init of 23.
Round 1
Winward is grabed by something. Used 2 move actions to escape the grab and shift 1 space to the south.
Winward see Boggins walk thru the wall in front of him.

Round 2
Fired blind strait ahead with a hit for 9 damage.
Round 3
Winward fired 2 arrows and hit with both for a zombie kill.
Round 4
Winward fires 2 arrows and hit twice, one a natural 20, killing the zombie.
500 xp
100 xp each
2158 total xp
Arromary, racks north and south
We find a talking plack that gives a riddle that the answer was honor. With the answer. the rusty armor turns into: +1 Blackiron Scale Armor (840gp), Resist 5 (fire, mecrotic)
We do a 5 min rest.
We head off to the other side of the map. We see a long room with 10 stone sarcophagus.
The language is draconic and the word of "Bahamut" it along with others.
Boggins says he wants to open one. We say NO.
We start down the room.
Rolled a Init of 23 (again).
- Skeleton Warriors: Med Nat Undead; Res: Nac 10, Vol:Rad 5; Speed of the Dead, Chainmail, Sheild, Sword
- Decrepit Skeleton: long sword, short bow, 10 arrows (easy kill)
Round 1
Winward fires 2 arrows and hit once for 9 damage killing it. Is hit and uses Yield Ground to move to a safe spot.
Round 2
Winward will use "Split the Tree" for a hit on 2 Skeleton Warrior for 14 and 17 damage. Use a action point to attact and miss.

Round 3
Winward will use "Twin-Fanged Strike" for a hit on one of the Skeleton Warrior for 6 damage, killing it.
- We find 5 small dragon statues (plat/silver) - 60 go each
125 xp each
2283 total xp --> we make the XP to move up to Level 3
We talk to Sir Keegan. He gives us his sword.
- Aecris (+1 Long Sword, +1d6 crit): Daily (free action) gain 1 healing surge when a undead is killed (1000 gp)
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