We head back to town. The gates are locked. People on the gate say the dead have risen from the town cemetery. We say we will help. We get into town to rest.
We goto and talked to Valtron. Showed him Sir Keegan's sword.
Graveyard is somewhere around 300 years old.
We go to the town's graveyard.
Roll Init of 7
- Gravehound Zombie, Med, Nat, Adamant, Undead

Round 1
Winward will attack one of the Gravehound Zombie for 2 hits for 16 damage.
- Decrepit Skeleton, Med, Nat, Adamant, Undead
Winward used Thundertusk Bore Strike for one hit on a Gravehound Zombie for 13 damage and pushed back 1 square. Will move to some cover.
- Ninaran: Archer Ability, Elvin Accuracy, Wild Step

Round 3
Winward used Twin Strike and hit once and killed a skeleton. Stayed on covered.
Round 4
Moved foward. Winward used Twin Strike and hit twice and killed both skeleton.
Battle ends.
Thava tries to Intimidate Ninaran. Tries again and makes it. Says she serves Kalarel. Ask if there is a easy way to get to Kalarel. A way that requires a password is "And life fails in the dark". The place to use is below the place where the Terror Runes are (2nd floor).
Has a Long Sword and Long Bow
39 gp + 50gp = 89gp
Found on Ninaran, velum (note)
- Password for the second floor: "From the ground, some magic is found".
- Due to bluff roll, found that this password is wrong.
785xp for the battle
157 xp for each caracter
Total so far: 2440 xp of 3750 xp to get to 4th Level
We head back to the keep, to the "Stay Out" door. Hear dripping behind the door. We open.
Roll per of 29. See ripples in the water.
Roll init of 21
Roll 23 for nature vs creature
- Blue Slime, Large Nature Beast (Ooze), Powers: Bloody Eruptions: killed it gets a attack
Immune: Charm, Fear / Res: Acid
Winward attacked with Two-Fanged Strike and missed.

Round 2
Winward used Thundertusk Bore Strike for one hit on the Blue Slime for 7 damage and pushed back 1 square.
Round 3
Missed to Careful Attack
Round 4
Missed to Careful Attack
Round 5
Missed to Careful Attack
Round 6
With the Twin Strike attack, hit twice for 18 damage.
Round 7
With the Twin Strike attack, hit once for 14 damage.
Others killed it.
Battle over
750 xp for the battle
150 xp for each caracter
Total so far: 2590 xp of 3750 xp to get to 4th Level
157 sp
33 gp
Potion of Healing (give to Thava)
Shield of Protection (LG Shield) 680 gp (pg 245 of PH)
Messages (Wooden tube) x3
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